All the training courses and workshops are experiential and practical, with emphasis on generating introspective reflection and modification of coping skills to foster resilient capacity.

Although the training I offer is based on my theoretical knowledge, it is also based on personal experience in different countries, making it a strong preventive and self-knowledge element.


Very grateful to have been able to be part of the Greenpeace and Novact team in their 1st activism camp that took place on September 12-15 in the Tiétar Valley (Ávila).
A space to train 250 people in activism. This initiative is part of the School of Activism created to generate a collective space for training in different tools and skills for social mobilization and nonviolent action.

Los días 24-26 de Mayo estuve realizando en la Universidad de Málaga, junto a la Dra. en Psicología Constanza Calatayud, la formación “Aspectos diferenciales en la Autocompasión de jóvenes adolescentes y adultos” dentro del II MÁSTER PROPIO UNIVERSITARIO EN MINDFULNESS: GESTIONAR EMOCIONES EFICAZMENTE A TRAVÉS DE LA ATENCIÓN PLENA. Un auténtico placer haber compartido estos días con un grupo fantástico de 32 personas.
Gracias  a todas las personas del Departamento de Personalidad Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico de la Universidad de Málaga por la cálida acogida y el haber podido compartir momentos muy auténticos!
Workshop at the Institute Jaume Vicens Vives from Girona to first-year high school students (16-17a).
Self-compassion session: Awareness and emotional management to teens to show them the benefits of Mindfulness and Compassion to manage emotions during the teenager period.
48 Young people
Opening conference under the name “The value of conscious silence” it was offered as part of the 4th edition of theGirona NovaCultura de salut, organized by the Oncolliga Girona Foundation with the aim of providing tools that help solve us in our vital problems.

Making Friends with yourself: Gestión emocional y autocuidado para jóvenes adultos y adolescentes.

BARCELONA: 18, 25 SEPTIEMBRE ; 2, 9,16, 23 y 30 de OCTUBRE y 6 de NOVIEMBRE 2018 (3era Edición)
VALENCIA: 5, 12, 19 SEPTIEMBRE; 3, 10, 17 y 24 OCTUBRE (4a Edición)

1er curso en CATALUNYA autorizado por las creadoras norteamericanas y avalado por AEMIND (Asociación Española de Mindfulness y Compasión)

Hazte amigo de ti mismo/a, es un programa de entrenamiento de ocho semanas diseñado por las mejores especialistas de Estados Unidos, creado para ayudar a jóvenes y adolescentes entre los 13 y los 19 años a gestionar las emociones durante esta etapa vital de retos y cambios continuos. A través de la comprensión y la práctica del mindfulness y la autocompasión, cultivarás habilidades muy valiosas que te ayudarán a mejorar tu bienestar.

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The stress we inherent from our lives and professions, if you do not know how to manage or channel this appropriately, this causes personal suffering that can have an impact on our mental and physical health.

Learning to manage emotions will contribute to improving our personal well-being and the quality of our relationships.

These are introductory courses to the practice of Mindfulness that aim to offer a global and experiential vision of the potential of this meditative practice in the different spheres of our daily life.
The format of all the sessions follows the same methodological structure: an experiential part that seeks to favor the internalization of this practice and, at the same time, another more theoretical one to expose and base the benefits on mental health with a scientific basis.

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Greater emotional management of stressful situations provides personal, professional and institutional benefits that can make a difference in the quality of our work.

In this section, 3 types of actions to be developed are considered:

· Training for people managing face-to-face or remote teams that may be exposed to situations of stress maintained
· Training to create awareness and intervention of the teams that can carry out interventions.
· Preparedness and training in the use of support resources for the management of emotionally demanding situations (materials, self-care guides, etc.)

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Course aimed at teens and young adults to learn how the practice of self-pity can be powerful and transformative as they cross the challenges of this powerful period of life.

Self-pity is the emotional attitude of being kind to oneself when things go wrong in our lives. It is a brave mental attitude that protects us from being harmed, including the harm we inflict on ourselves without realizing through self-criticism, isolation and obsession of thinking when things go wrong. Self-pity provides emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to admit our shortcomings, forgive ourselves and respond to ourselves and others with kindness and respect to become ourselves (authentic).

Program activities include talks, meditation, experiential exercises and group discussion. Participants will directly experience self-compassion and learn practices that evoke compassion for themselves in everyday life.

No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is required to attend the program

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They are meditative practices of weekly or biweekly frequency that encourage giving a personal space to connect with what we are living in the present moment. It is about giving us a time to stop doing the work and allow us to feel what we are experiencing at this moment. It is intended that each person can connect with herself and seek this inner calm that we all have, even in times of great tension and anguish.

In spite of being practices guided by a psychologist, it is NOT a formal therapeutic space, but spaces of expression will be opened for those who want it after meditative practices.

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Cecília Gelpí Arroyo
> Psicòloga 11.767 COPC
> Trained Mindfulness Facilitator (UCLA)
> Member of International Mindfulness Teachers Association
> IMTA Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Professional Level (CMT-P)

Este trabajo tiene la licencia CC BY-NC-SA 4.0